Our Story

Welcome to The King’s Cigar. My name is Stan Rodda and I am a full-time pastor at a church in the Kansas City area. I’m stoked you found us. I have been smoking cigars for a decade. My first was in 2013 while working on a nationwide, small group curriculum. I was immediately hooked. While there is something about the aroma, tastes, textures and community, nothing beats my extended cigar family, stretching all across the country. Having friends to enjoy a cigar with across the United States is an absolute joy.

Some time ago I began to dream about the idea of a monthly cigar club. One thought lead to another and that became the beginning of what is now…

For me it’s a great opportunity. Partly to grow in my own knowledge of cigars and the industry, but more importantly to meet people like you. I love the idea of growing my cigar family across the nation and the world. I know that great adventures lie ahead and I hope you’ll join me on this one.

If you have any questions or I can help in any way, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

brother of the leaf smoking cigars
friends smoking cigars
Kansas City cigar smokers monthly club